Now I Need a Kiln!
The next order of business is to locate a kiln - still undecided which route to go, but will most likely start off with an electric kiln. Looking into it more - learning lots and spinning my head trying to make sense of what is best, what will suit my needs, what will give you the most bang for the buck and so forth. Of course, I will be looking for a used kiln, so that will help dictate what I end up with. Since, I am so green - greener than green ware - I need to acquire items in the most economic fashion. I fear Craigslist, but at least I have someone who knows how to wheel and deal in my corner and protect me from any potential violent Craigslist predators! I know - so dramatic. I cannot help that flaw and many more times than once I have been told those exact words. Maybe I missed my calling in
Things I am considering when searching for a kiln are:
Now, that's a kiln! |
1. Price/Condition
2. Location - in terms of distance from me, so I can zip over and pick it up...
3. Size
4. Make
5. Maximum Temperature
6. Accessories/extras
You know, things like that. Oh - decisions, decisions, decisions...I am looking at one right now that has a ton of extras, including molds for ceramics and stuff, too...I am thinking that would be cool. Basically, I need everything...welcome to my journey...ching ching!
BTW, anyone out there in the Northwest Ohio/Southeast Michigan area just need to get rid of one gratis or cheap, cheap, cheap? I would be happy to come pick it up...actually, I would be willing to travel upwards of 100 miles in any direction - by land of course :)